Use your UConn NetID and password to log in.
- The survey will take less than 10 minutes of your time.
- Please complete your profile with as much information as possible. Details are always kept confidential.
- Edits are made by selecting the pencil on the right side of your screen. Not sure what they're looking for? Hover over the question mark for more information.
- Definitions for the categories you will see:
- Post-graduation plans – These include jobs offered and accepted
- Continuing education – Have you decided to continue your studies? Please share details on the program selected
- Internships – Include information regarding summer jobs, experiential learning and internships prior to graduation
- Still Seeking – If you do not yet have an internship or full time role let us know so we can help
- Own Venture – If you started or are starting your own business.
If you need assistance, please email and a member of our team will reach out to you directly.